HR Management and Payroll
HR Management and Payroll is an Inventory application responsible for Human Resource Management. In this application , we included functionalities like View List of Employees,their leaves, Salaries, Holidays etc.,We included the features like Salary History and increments of salaries to Employees, Employee Attendance monthly and daily absent, present reports, Details of Leaves and Holidays provided to employees, Employee ID monitoring etc. features provided in this application.
Salary History provides the salary details of each employee and also provides information about their salary increment details when the salary incremented etc. like these details also provided. And other feature is Attendance details of employees. In this application, presence and absence of employees monthly as well as daily details can view. Duty Management is the other feature. In this, each employee duty details will be provided. We can view the each employee duty details either double shift or single shift. Like this we provided features like Departments assigned to employees, Rights provided to employees, Appointments, Salary Payslip management etc.